
Filip Huněk je teoretikem vizuálních studií a konzultantem v oblasti digitálního marketingu. Toho času působí na Fakultě sociálních věd Univerzity Karlovy v Praze a University College Prague. Dlouhodobě se profiluje v oblasti nových médií. Své postgraduální studium ukončil v roce 2019 disertační prací s názvem Problematika vizuálních obsahů na sociálních sítích: Analýza užití uživatelských filtrů v aplikaci Instagram. V době vzniku Fakulty humanitních studií Univerzity Karlovy v Praze působil jako člen jejího akademického senátu a spolupodílel se na tvorbě a schvalování vnitřních předpisů. Během svých studií působil v Německu na Friedrich-Schiller Universität, v Rakousku na Universität Wien a ve Velké Británii na University of South Wales.

Do češtiny přeložil knihu Můj děda nebyl nácek. Nacismus a holocaust v rodinné paměti od německých výzkumníků Haralda Welzera, Sabine Mollerové, Karoline Tschuggnallové, kterou v českém překladu vydalo nakladatelství Argo. V domácím prostředí se věnuje technologickým implementacím digitálních médií a komunikačních online kanálů, zejména se zaměřením na vizuální komunikaci.

Aktuálně působí jako Head of Delivery u společnosti ACTUM Digital.

Je spoluautorem prvního českého underground podcastu Podchlast.


  • Apr 2019 - Present

    Head of Delivery

    ACTUM Digital

    ACTUM is a company that designs digital strategies and technology solutions based on a client’s business goals. We design and implement technologies for personalised and consistent customer experience across all devices, such as your computer, mobile phone, watch and TV, as well as for your car, or in virtual reality.

  • Feb 2020 - Present

    Associate Lecturer

    Charles University in Prague

    Leading "Specifics of Digital Communication" & "Visual Communication" courses at The Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University in Prague.

  • Feb 2023 - Present

    Associate Lecturer

    University College Prague

    Leading "Content Marketing" course at University College Prague. The seminar aims to define content marketing, its basic principles, tools, and procedures.

  • Dec 2017 - Feb 2019

    Client Operations Manager


    Wunderman is creatively driven, data inspired, leading global digital agency. Wunderman combines creativity and data into work that inspires consumers to take action and delivers results for brands.

  • Oct 2018 - Dec 2018

    Global Operations Lead


    • Global Operations Lead – focusing on activities below and facing off with the leadership of global client delivery and client´s operational leads
    • Delivery Lead, managing overall program delivery excellence
    • Operations Lead of the leading Product Hub, point of contact and escalations
    • Focused on inputs/outputs of the delivery program worldwide
    • Oversight of digital production projects
    • Manage the transition from the three Wunderman hubs (Prague, Dhaka, Buenos Aires)
    • Successful coordination of all three production hubs on projects execution
  • Nov 2013 - Nov 2017

    Account Director

    Aqua Digital Global

    Digital and internet marketing solutions for the biggest clients in the Czech Republic, Bosnia & Herzegovina and United Kingdom. My team offers so called 360° online marketing which includes creative online solutions, social networks, online advertising, microsites, mobile applications, social media monitoring or campaigns for clients such as Johnson&Johnson, Nestlé, Coca-Cola, McDonald's, Unicef and many more.

  • Jan 2011 - Dec 2015

    Chairman of Supervisory Board

    Svobodná školička, o.p.s.

    Free preschool organization founded by parents whose goal was to create loving and harmonious environment for their children in which they will feel comfortable while playing with handmade toys from natural materials.

  • Jul 2011 - Sep 2013

    Account Director

    brandz friendz

    Me and our team have built creative digital solutions for clients such as Telefónica O2, Nestlé, Fiat group (Lancia, Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Jeep, Abarth), Ravak etc., mainly in the environment of websites and social networks.
    BrandzFriendz is a fresh digital agency. The world of online, technology and new media is its natural environment. We watch current trends and being dynamic is not just an empty catchphrase for us.

  • Feb 2008 - May 2011

    Key Account Manager

    NetNet s.r.o.

    Management of the company including marketing and customer support, key account management, in frequent direct contact with customers, business presentation.
    IT, websites for hotels and companies working in tourism, eShops, PMS for wellness companies, e-marketing, SEO.

  • Aug 2005 - Mar 2007

    Project Manager

    Svaz průmyslu a dopravy ČR

    Coordination of Project Management in Structural Funds of the EU
    Writing and realization of Projects; Networking

  • Sep 2004 - May 2005


    Bildungswerk der Sächsischen Wirtschaft e.V.

    Coordination of international EU projects for further education


  • 2013 - 2019

    Ph.D., Communication and Media Studies

    Charles University

    Grade: Post-grade
    Activities and societies: Faculty of Social Sciences
    Visual studies, new media, social networks, photography and pictures on the internet

  • 2015 - 2015

    Scholarship, Communication and Media Studies

    University of Vienna

    Activities and societies: Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
    Visual communication, cultural analysis, social media, internet, social networks, Instagram

  • 2005 - 2009

    Master's degree, Media Studies

    Charles University

    Activities and societies: Faculty of Social Sciences

  • 2006 - 2007

    Scholarship, Media Studies

    University of South Wales

    Activities and societies: The Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • 2000 - 2005

    Bachelor's degree, Humanities

    Charles University

    Activities and societies: Faculty of Humanities

  • 2002 - 2003

    Scholarship, Soziologie

    Friedrich Schiller University Jena

    Activities and societies: Philosophische Fakultät

  • 1993 - 1999

    High School/Secondary Diplomas and Certificates

    Gymnasium Na Vitezne Plani